– Leonardo da Vinci's "Salvator Mundi" is the world's most expensive painting, sold for $450.3 million. Depicting Jesus, it stirred debates about authenticity and its anonymous buyer added to the mystery.–
– Willem de Kooning's "Interchange" sold for $300 million in 2015. An abstract expressionist piece from 1955, it reflects post-WWII shifts in American art.–
– Paul Cézanne's "The Card Players" sold to Qatar's royal family for $250 million in 2011. This series bridges 19th-century Impressionism and 20th-century Cubism.–
– Paul Gauguin's "Nafea Faa Ipoipo" ("When Will You Marry?") sold for $210 million in 2015. Painted in 1892, it captures Gauguin's fascination with Tahitian culture.–
– Jackson Pollock's "Number 17A" sold for $200 million in 2016. Created in 1948, it showcases Pollock's revolutionary drip painting technique.–
– Rembrandt's "The Standard Bearer" sold for $198 million in 2022. Painted in 1636, it displays Rembrandt's mastery in capturing human emotion and his use of light and shadow.–
– Mark Rothko's (Violet, Green and Red)" sold for $186 million in 2014. This 1951 painting is a prime example of Rothko's immersive color fields.–
– Gustav Klimt's "Wasserschlangen II" (Water Serpents II) sold for $183 million in 2013. Created between 1904-1907, it reflects Klimt's fascination with eroticism and the female form.–
– Rembrandt's portraits of Maerten Soolmans and Oopjen Coppit, sold for $180 million in 2015, are life-size depictions of a wealthy Amsterdam couple, showcasing Rembrandt's skill in portraiture.–
Pablo Picasso's "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version O)" sold for $179.4 million in 2015. Part of a series inspired by Delacroix's work, it exemplifies Picasso's unique style of Cubism.