How to overcome your fear of swimming

Did you had any idea there are various ways to beat your fear of water so you can begin swimming? Figure out how to lose your fear of swimming and the contrast between phobia and fear.

While getting into a swimming pool with a freezing temperature on a hot day can be perfect for some, for others, the straightforward truth of imagining themselves in a spot with a lot of water can torture.

Assuming you feel a little skeptical about how to defeat your fear of swimming, realize that it very well may be linked to the fear of drowning and, in a few additional basic cases, it could in fact be known as a phobia. Do you have any idea what the thing that matters is?

The fundamental distinction between fear and phobia lies in the side effects and how to defeat them. An individual who is just scared of water, basically on the grounds that they don’t have any idea how to swim, can conquer this judicious fear with a few swimming lessons.

All things considered, fear is only our brain’s approach to warning us that the situation could be risky. Notwithstanding, some vibe something beyond scared of drowning, and this is called water phobia, which is something that affects thousands of individuals all over the planet.

Anyone who suffers from a phobia may find life difficult and affected and, if this is your case, we will help you face this challenge. To begin with, do you know how you can find out if what you feel is a phobia or fear?

We list some symptoms here. This way, you will be able to analyze whether what you feel matches the descriptions, which can help you better understand your case and invest in appropriate treatment.

Phobia: what are the most common symptoms?

  • anxiety attacks;
  • hyperventilation: increase in blood pressure;
  • fainting;
  • panic attacks;
  • sweating and tremors;
  • loss of control and excessive crying.

Know that every phobia can be worked on and controlled, with the help of trained professionals and, above all, perseverance. There are also two types of water phobia.


Hydrophobia is the unhealthy fear of water and any other type of liquid. Precisely because it covers all types of liquids, it is a less common phobia.

What we are going to talk about, here in this article, is aquaphobia, as you may be stopping practicing a sport as efficient as swimming , because of this problem.


Aquaphobia occurs more frequently, as it only refers to water, affecting people who feel an excessive fear of swimming or running water, such as taking a shower, for example.

The symptoms of aquaphobia are very similar to the symptoms of other phobias themselves, however, there are some more specific ones, such as:

  • the person who avoids water, under any circumstances, such as being afraid of rain, showers and even seeing running water.
  • shortness of breathe;
  • not being able to control your own body (in more extreme cases of aquaphobia).

However, don’t be scared: there are methods, tips and countless ways to overcome water phobia, learning to swim and enjoying all the benefits that swimming can bring to your health.

Therapy is an excellent way to treat your phobia, which may be stuck in your mind, on an unconscious level – and, therefore, is not treated merely as a fear, something more rational.

Don’t feel ashamed and look for a professional with whom you feel confident dealing with this aspect of your life.

After all, this is one of the most complete sports there is, allowing you to exercise your body, your mind and your breathing – it would be cool for you to try, right?

For those who suffer from fear, something that, as we have already mentioned, is more rational, we can mention some more practical tips.

How to lose your fear of water

Understand how it is possible to lose your fear of water and learn to swim, with some techniques that we have put together for you.

The first step is to understand your fear, know where it comes from and why you feel this way about water. Try to understand the reason for your fear, as some common causes may be linked to:

  • fear “inherited” from others: sometimes, due to excessive protection and fear that parents have regarding children in the water, they end up overdoing their care, causing the child to grow up afraid of the water and swimming;
  • incidents related to drowning, having already drowned or having witnessed someone very close to drowning.

Can you already understand the reason for your fear? If so, know that after this process of self-knowledge and acceptance, counting on the help of a psychologist or other professional in the field can be a big step towards losing your fear of swimming.

The important thing is that you don’t feel embarrassed about asking for help, after all, the help of a swimming teacher who understands the entire process for students who are afraid of water can help – a lot! – to overcome this problem.

In addition to the assistance of professionals, it is even easier to attend classes with the help of friends who have the same fears as you, or who also don’t know how to swim.
There are also some exercises that you can practice on your own, whenever you see or need to enter the water.

The main exercise is in your breathing and the control you exercise over it. To avoid anxiety and panic attacks, another fundamental exercise is relaxation, which you can do to prepare and relax your mind for what comes next.

Adaptation to the aquatic environment is also very important throughout this process and, therefore, after a few sessions with trained professionals, frequent and gradual contact with water, especially in swimming pools (as they are safer than the sea, example), assists in the process.

Tips for overcoming your fear of swimming:

If your fear is not that intense, you can start with simple steps such as:

  1. start in a shallow pool;
  2. dip only your legs so your body becomes familiar with contact with the water;
  3. try to float;
  4. try to dip your face, little by little;
  5. practice with a friend who knows how to swim, to help you feel safe;

If your fear is greater and you don’t feel comfortable trying alone, don’t be ashamed to look for a swimming teacher who develops specific ways for you to face your fear.

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