Are gluten and lactose bad? Understand the issue!

Nowadays, anyone who has any dietary restrictions can now eat much better food. Whether by choice or, in fact, for health reasons , some people cannot consume some foods. Or even ingredients in some foods. And some of the most obvious restrictions are on gluten and lactose , which are present in many types of foods. But, after all, are gluten and lactose bad?

First, you must comprehend what each of these items is. Where have they come from? Why are they employed so extensively in the production of specific foods?What are the effects of gluten and lactose on the body?These are the questions we’ll address below. So follow along with us!

What is gluten?

Many people associate gluten with weight gain. After all, gluten is a protein that comes from some cereals . So if a food is made from wheat, barley, malt or rye , they will likely contain gluten.

Regarding the idea that gluten can make a person gain weight, that’s not the case. Gluten, by itself, has no calories. That’s right, no calories! However, most foods that contain gluten are generally higher in calories due to other factors . Like, for example, the fact that they have more carbohydrates , fats and preservatives .

In business, gluten is commonly utilized to improve the look and texture of food. In fact, gluten may be absorbed even from meals that do not contain it. This occurs because, in many cases, various substances pass through the same machine. This is referred to as cross-contamination.

What foods have gluten?

As we said before, practically everything made with cereals has gluten. And this includes:

  • Breads
  • Noodle
  • Cakes
  • Cereal bars
  • Pizza
  • Cookie
  • Industrialized seasonings
  • Sauces (as well as mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce, among others)
  • Cheeses

In other words, in general, everything that goes through some type of processing with other ingredients. In fact, some medicines have gluten in their composition.

Are foods with gluten bad?

Even though, to preserve health, nutritionists recommend that people eat less foods like the ones we mentioned, gluten is not to blame .

However, there is a specific group for whom we can say that, yes, foods with gluten are bad. These are people who have celiac disease , present in 1 in every 100 people.

Celiac disease is a genetic disorder in which the walls of the small intestine suffer damage when a person eats something that contains gluten. Thus, this organ does not absorb water and other nutrients well. Treatment for this problem is primarily based on regulating what the person eats. If this doesn’t work, your doctor may recommend medications that reduce inflammatory reactions.

Side effects of gluten intolerance include:

  • Swelling
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Diarrhea
  • Anemia
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Joint pain

These people need to adopt a gluten-free diet. Unfortunately, this can lead to a lack of fiber . Therefore, you should reinforce this by eating more fruits, vegetables and vegetables.

The benefits of gluten

From the moment food brands started offering gluten-free products, the feeling began to be that gluten is completely negative . But, after all, does it have health benefits?

In the last decade, scientists from around the world have presented studies on this. One of the most famous, presented in 2017, showed that, in the long term, non-celiac people who consumed gluten reduced their risk of heart disease . The research evaluated more than 100,000 people who did not have gluten intolerance.

Other studies also associate gluten with strengthening good bacteria , which are found in our intestines. These bacteria protect our entire digestive system from inflammation and other even more serious diseases, such as cancer.

What is lactose?

Now, let’s talk about something else that is also a reason for food intolerance in many people : lactose.

As the name suggests, lactose is a substance that comes from milk and is found in everything made from milk . It is lactose that, after all, gives that sensation that the milk is sweet, making it tastier. But not only that. Lactose, above all, has the function of helping our body absorb minerals . Likewise, lactose regulates the intestine , making it more resistant to infections.

What foods have lactose?

Even though lactose comes from milk, the big issue is that milk is one of the main ingredients in many recipes . Therefore, in addition to cheeses, yogurts and butter, lactose can be found in cakes, cookies, chocolates and many others .

Some foods don’t even seem to contain lactose, but it is there. As well as those mentioned, we also have potato chips, some sausages (such as sausage and chicken fingers), granolas, sauces and even preserved fruits . It is very likely that many people would not even associate these foods with any dairy product.

Is lactose bad?

Lactose intolerance means that the body does not produce the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose and then distributes it throughout the body . Some people cannot eat anything with this substance as a result of some impactful process , such as high stress. Others are born this way .

When an intolerant organism receives lactose, it then suffers from some consequences. In addition to producing a lot of gas , which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, the body can experience constipation, muscle pain, fatigue and headache . As well as a frequent lack of concentration .

Other very important information: there is a distinction between being intolerant to lactose and having an allergy to milk protein. Intolerant people can even tolerate a little bit of such sugar. But in the case of an allergy, the body perceives milk as something more significant in terms of threat. In this second case, the consequences may be worse, such as a respiratory crisis, for example.

Does lactose make you fat?

It is likely that the idea that lactose makes you fat comes from the fact that lactose is a type of sugar . Therefore, many people end up opting for lactose-free milk. However, lactose-free milk has a higher glycemic index than regular milk . Therefore, the probability of it causing the body to gain weight is even greater than “normal” milk.

Therefore, if a person who is intolerant has this concern, the ideal is not to drink dairy products, after all, this can accelerate any inflammatory process in the intestine. And this, in fact, will result in less absorption of nutrients and the breakdown of sugars – therefore making you gain weight more easily. 6

Furthermore, lactase enzyme deficiency can be corrected with medication , as there are several options available today. Which, obviously, you should only do with a doctor’s recommendation .

Are gluten and lactose bad?

Although they seem like separate issues, the question of whether gluten and lactose are bad makes a lot of sense. It’s because those who can’t eat gluten are more likely to also not be able to eat anything with lactose . But how so? We explain it to you.

Celiac disease , which is what leads to problems with gluten, causes several enzymes in the small intestine to disappear or decrease. As a result, lactase enzymes also suffer from this process. And this is the enzyme found in greatest quantity in the walls of the organ. Therefore, the same problem that leads to gluten intolerance can lead to a person not being able to tolerate lactose, too. 7

The most important thing is to have a constant regular diet and only avoid gluten and lactose if you are intolerant to them. After all, they also bring health benefits. In other words, if you have health conditions, eat harmoniously and without excess. To help with this, you can, for example, check your dietary history and what practices are good or bad for your body.

Simply cutting out what you believe or assume is bad is not ideal. Therefore, look for a health professional to find out what is and is not necessary and establish the correct criteria for making dietary decisions. In short, ingesting lactose and gluten can cause health problems if you are allergic as much as if you are not.

How to prevent problems with gluten and lactose?

Are gluten and lactose bad? No! If you follow the following tips: 7.8

  • Eat foods with plenty of calcium , such as those made from soy and rice.
  • Read food labels carefully , after all, that’s where you understand the composition of each one in detail.
  • Maintain your body with extra doses of nutrients , therefore, when necessary, supplement with lots of vitamins, minerals and proteins.
  • Consult a doctor specializing in gastric problems regularly .

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