Benefits of drinking water: myths and truths

The majority of us know about the way that there are a lot of advantages to drinking water and that it is significant for our endurance, right? However, frequently, before the day’s over, we understand we haven’t tanked a solitary glass of water. Then we run to the fridge—sometimes even without a very big will—and promise that the next day we will do things differently.

Faced with this situation, questions usually arise such as: should we really drink two liters of water a day? Is drinking water while starving fortunate or unfortunate ? And if it’s cold, will it hinder digestion? Does drinking water make you lose weight?

Therefore, we have prepared this article that will answer your biggest questions on the topic. Let’s unravel what is myth and what is true amidst so much (mis)information, and help you overcome the challenge of always staying very well hydrated! Check out:

Does drinking water make you lose weight? TRUE

Drinking water can assist you with getting in shape, obviously this ought not be the outline of your eating regimen. Your day to day menu ought to constantly be lined up with great sustenance, and ideally ought to be joined by other healthy way of life propensities, like physical activity, for instance.

As for the benefits of drinking water when the intention is to lose weight, they have more to do with what is the ideal amount for your body , remembering that it is also necessary to follow a daily routine. The right amount of water will bring a feeling of satiety and make your intestines function better and, consequently, this will influence weight loss.¹

The liquid will also help eliminate toxins that make your body bloated, and this helps a lot with your metabolism, as it makes your body capable of processing everything it absorbs, making the entire organism function properly. more productive. In other words, the more effective and accelerated the metabolism, the greater the chances of losing weight.

Drinking water also promotes other aesthetic benefits, especially when it comes to the quality of your skin, hair and nails. Water is capable of helping to combat cellulite, wrinkles and even dry hair, for example. ²

Can I replace water with juices, teas or other liquids? MYTH

According to the Ministry of Health’s Dietary Guide for the Population , water intake should predominantly come from the consumption of pure drinking water and water contained in food.

Industrialized drinks such as juices, teas and soft drinks can contain a lot of sugar and sodium , which can contribute to weight gain and do not add hydration, as they are not satiating like pure water.

A good suggestion to vary your consumption is to create waters flavored with mint leaves, lemon or orange slices, or even pieces of fruit rich in water, such as strawberries, to lightly increase their flavor.

Benefits of drinking water: is it correct to drink two liters every day? MYTH

It’s not that you can’t take this amount, but it’s not an absolute rule. First you need to find out if this is what your body needs . In some cases, the ideal amount may exceed 3 liters.

The European Food Safety Authority carried out research that demonstrated the variation in the amount of water needed for each stage of life. For a child, for example, from the seventh month of life to eight years of age, a quantity ranging from 0.8 liters to 1.7 is recommended. 3

From the age of 9 to eighteen, the total amount varies between 2.4 liters and 3.3 per day , in amounts that also vary depending on whether the body is male or female. It is interesting to note that the high amount of 3.3 liters is applicable for boys between 14 and 18 years old.

When we reach adulthood, the difference in water consumption between women and men is greater, in this case, the recommended amount is 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 for men.

During pregnancy, the guideline is that the female body receives from 3 liters , rising to 3.8 liters when the woman is breastfeeding.

Is feeling thirsty a sign of being dehydrated? MYTH

The reasons why our body feels thirsty are varied. We may be losing liquid due to heat, or when we eat something too salty, for example. In this case, our blood feels that it needs to dilute the salt components. One method for evaluating your hydration status is through the shade of your pee. The more straightforward, the more hydrated you are. At the point when your pee becomes yellow or dim, it is an indication that you really want to expand your water utilization. In this way, don’t hold on until you feel parched to hydrate and consistently keep a full container near you.

Dehydration happens when there is no longer enough water, mineral salts and other fluids to make our body function normally , that is, feeling thirsty is a signal that our body sends so that it does not reach a critical level of lack of water.

Dehydration is considered by science to be a disease that, if left untreated, can lead to serious problems such as: brain swelling, seizures, kidney failure, thermal damage and even coma or death.

But dehydration is not just linked to the habit of not drinking water. It can also occur due to problems such as: 4

  • Diarrhea;
  • Burns;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Vomiting;
  • Bleeding;
  • Excessive sweating.

Among the elderly, a natural loss of fluid may occur – commonly linked to symptoms of dizziness and tiredness – so this is a phase that requires more care than normal. 5

These are some signs that your body is dehydrated: 4

  • Fainting;
  • Dry, inelastic skin;
  • Dark or scanty urine;
  • Lack of tears;
  • Headache;
  • Constipation;
  • Weight loss;
  • Confusion;
  • Fever.

Benefits of drinking water: treating dehydration

Before dehydration needs to be treated, it is important to prevent it. Therefore, it is essential to take some precautions, such as: 5

  • Filter or boil the water you and your family will drink;
  • Ensure that the environment is at temperatures that do not result in the loss of liquids through sweat;
  • Avoid exercising on very hot days;
  • Reduce or cut out alcohol consumption, as these drinks accelerate the loss of fluids through urine ;
  • Give preference to light clothing when exposing yourself to the sun.

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