Is there a connection between organization and well-being?

What is the relationship of the organization with the feeling of well-being? It may not appear, but both the actions go hand-in-hand in the life of people who want to improve the quality of life and reduce symptoms of stress and/or anxiety.

Keeping that in mind, to make it easier to understand the connection between them, check the topics that we will be covering in this article:

  • Are you an organized person?
  • What is the organization’s relationship with well-being?
  • The 5s of the organization.

Are you an organized person?

We can’t always be organized, right? After all, organization can be related to the way your actions are linked to everyday habits and tasks, for example, at home, at work and/or even in your personal life.

Furthermore, it may be linked to the way you or other people control and coordinate your things and activities, all with the aim of achieving some result. In some cases, due to the rush of routine, some people end up acquiring the famous “disorganization”. Are you like this at home or at work?

In the workplace (in-person or remote), for example, disorganization can be represented by a lack of attention due to insecurity, exaggerated perfection, toxic positivity , procrastination, excessive worry or even some sentimental value acquired throughout life.

Therefore, to improve your organization in the workplace (or even at home), especially in the home office , try to list the day’s tasks and define priorities.

Therefore, before helping you become a more organized person, you need to understand the relationship between organization and well-being . Let’s go?

What is the organization’s relationship with well-being?

Being organized can seem a bit complicated, right? After all, it is natural for each person to be a little disorganized when it comes to tasks, as it requires attention, effort and even a lot of willingness. And this step again returns to the sense of well-being.

According to the World Health Organization health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. However, it is important to bear in mind that it’s not always related to physical health, normally represented with the emergence of diseases.

In general, well-being is a set of actions and elements that aim to provide each person with a feeling of comfort, security, tranquility and even satisfaction.

In this way, we can understand that mental health is linked to each person’s style and rhythm of life, also resulting in the way they are associated with the organization of daily life, especially with regard to the feeling of peace and warmth, making the individual more productive and happy.

Do you want an example to understand how it works in practice? Suppose you are extremely late for work, but you can’t find your folder with the client’s documents, because your house is messy. Automatically, faced with this situation, the feeling of stress and anxiety is established .

However, when the place is properly organized and easily accessible, it can require less effort and then activate a feeling of well-being, both in the work environment and in all aspects of life.

The 5s of organization

If you’ve come this far, it’s because you’ve certainly already understood the importance of organization and well-being in relation to quality of life, right?

With this in mind, to help you combat disorganization, we brought the 5s technique from Japanese culture, also known as the five senses, which are defined by five words that define organization.

1 – Seiri

The word seiri comes from the sense of use, that is, this first technique consists of selecting necessary and unnecessary things and then separating them and using only what is in the first group.

In relation to professional life, this first technique teaches that we need to get rid of what does not add value, as it only brings a feeling of waste, which can interfere with the dynamics of activities – not only at work, but can also be applied in personal life.

2 – Seiton

The word seiton comes from the sense of organization, that is, each item needs to be placed in its proper place in various areas of life, such as at work, at home or in your personal life.

In the work environment, for example, this technique helps reduce the time it takes to find a certain thing, as well as reducing delays or even unforeseen events. At home, it facilitates visual communication, as it makes commonly accessible objects visible and guarantees a feeling of spaciousness.

3 – Seiso

The word seiso comes from the sense of cleanliness, after all, who doesn’t like a clean, fragrant and cozy environment, right?

This concept affirms respect for the environments where people usually are, so it is important to take care of and improve the cleanliness of the place to increase the feeling of well-being.

4 – Seiketsu

The purpose of the word seiketsu is the sense of hygiene, represented by the way in which each person is linked to the norms and standards of organization and cleanliness of any environment, both at home and at work.

When we clean a certain place, removing all dirt, it is possible to reduce the feeling of stress and, consequently, promote well-being, balance and peace of mind in relation to the people around you and in your own life.

5 – Shitsuke

The word shitsuke comes with the sense that everyone can help through collaboration. This way, it is possible to make any organization more effective and faster and, consequently, allow other people to offer vision for improvements.

Now that you know the importance of organization in promoting health and well-being, how about putting these tips into practice today? We wish you an increasingly lighter, organized and enjoyable routine!

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