Excessive worry: Do you worry too much?

Are you a person who worries too much? When we can’t control this feeling, excessive worry can become a big problem in your life and disrupt your interactions with everyone around you. With the rush of everyday life, it is very common for us to be constantly worried about things, from family-related problems to even the workplace, where … Read more

Post-operative care: 8 tips for a good recovery

Many may think that a surgery considered simple may require less care depending on the case, but this is not true . Post-operative care, in fact, is practically the same for all surgeries that involve anesthesia and incisions (cuts). Of course, more complex surgeries require longer recovery time. Likewise, treatments and length of stay also vary greatly … Read more

Migraine symptoms and 6 main triggers

Do you have headaches that interfere with your quality of life? Do you suspect it could be a migraine, but don’t know how to identify the symptoms? Have you ever stopped to observe what triggers cause or worsen your crises? Understand more about the topic in this article. What is Migraine? Migraine is a chronic condition with … Read more

Depression, anxiety and panic: know the differences and symptoms

Today, we will investigate and discuss anxiety, panic and depression , as they are some of the most common emotional disorders. Emotional disorders are psychological dysfunctions that cause a lot of pain and suffering. Therefore, they are often accompanied by physical symptoms and are generally associated with depression. Today, you will discover the differences between anxiety, panic … Read more

7 best ways to avoid injuries while running

After all, what really works when we want to prevent or avoid injuries during running? We’ve put together seven tips designed for you. Just take a look. With a couple of straightforward safety measures, for example, appropriately warming up and cooling down your body, choosing the right shoes, training bit by bit, strengthening your muscles, … Read more

Crawl or Free Swimming: 7 Tips to improve your practice

Crawl swimming is among the most well-known swimming methods, however that doesn’t mean everybody performs it impeccably. Look at certain tips on the most proficient method to create your swimming all that it tends to be. Swimming is an exceptionally complete sport and has different swimming styles, each with its own particularities. The main kind, … Read more